Praise him, all you angels; give praise, all you hosts. (Psalm 148, 2)

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Votive Mass in Honor of the Guardian Angels

(October 2, from the Roman Missal and Lectionary)

Bless the LORD, all you angels of the LORD. Sing his glory and praise for ever. (Dan 3:58)

Opening Prayer

GOD our FATHER, in Your loving providence You send Your holy angels to watch over us. Hear our prayers, defend us always by their protection and let us share Your life with them for ever. We ask this through our LORD JESUS CHRIST, Your SON, who lives and reigns with You and the HOLY SPIRIT, one GOD, for ever and ever. Amen.

First Reading (Ex 23: 20-23)

A reading from the Book of Exodus.

Thus says the Lord: "See, I am sending an angel before you, to guard you on the way and bring you to the place I have prepared. Be attentive to him and heed his voice. Do not rebel against him, for he will not forgive your sin, for My name is in him. If you heed his voice and carry out all I tell you, I will be an enemy to your enemies and a foe to your foes. My angel will go before you and bring you to the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites and Jebusites; and I will wipe them out."

Responsorial Psalm (Ps 91:1-11)

R. He has put His Angels in charge of you, to guard you in all your ways.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

and abides in the shade of the Almighty

says to the Lord: ‘My refuge

my stronghold, my God in whom I trust!’ R.

It is He who will free you from the snare

of the fowler who seeks to destroy you;

He will conceal you with his pinions

and under His wings you will find refuge. R.

His faithfulness is buckler and shield.

You will not fear the terror of the night

nor the arrow that flies by day,

nor the plague that prowls in the darkness

nor the scourge that lays waste at noon. R.

Upon you no evil shall fall,

no plague approach where you dwell.

For you has He commanded His Angels,

to keep you in all your ways. R.

Gospel Acclamation (Ps 102:21)

R. Alleluia. Bless the Lord, all you His Angels, His ministers who do His will. R. Alleluia.


A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew (18:1-5.10)

The disciples approached Jesus and said, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?” He called a little child over, placed it in their midst, and said, “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in My name receives Me.

"See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their Angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father."

Prayer Over The Gifts

FATHER, accept the gifts we bring You in honor of Your holy Angels. Under their constant care, keep us free from danger in this life and bring us to the joy of eternal life, where JESUS is LORD for ever and ever. Amen.


FATHER, all-powerful and ever-living GOD, we do well always and everywhere to give You thanks. In praising Your faithful Angels and Archangels, we also praise Your glory, for in honoring them, we honor You, their Creator. Their splendor shows us Your greatness, which surpasses in goodness the whole of creation. Through CHRIST our LORD the great army of Angels rejoices in Your glory. In adoration and joy we make their hymn of praise our own:

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of Your glory. Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!


In the sight of the angels I will sing Your praises, my GOD.

Prayer After Communion

LORD, You nourish us with the sacraments of eternal life. By the ministry of Your angels lead us into the way of salvation and peace. We ask this in the name of JESUS the LORD.


Chaplet of Saint Michael


Saint Michael appearing one day to Antonia d'Astonac, a most devout servant of God, told her that he wished to be honoured by nine salutations corresponding to the nine Choirs of Angels, which should consist of one Our Father and Three Hail Mary's in Honour of each of the Angelic Choirs.

Promises of Saint Michael.

Whosoever would practice this devotion in his Honour would have, when approaching The Holy 'Table', an escort on nine Angels chosen from each one of the nine Choirs. In addition, for the daily recital of these nine salutations he promised his continual assistance and that of all the Holy Angels during life, and after death deliverance from Purgatory for themselves and their relations.

Method of Reciting the Chaplet

("O God come to my assistance.") O Lord make haste to help me.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen."

1. By the intercession of Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of Seraphim, may the Lord make us worthy to burn with the fire of Perfect Charity. Amen. (1x Our Father. 3x Hail Mary)

2. By the intercession of Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of Cherubim, may the Lord grant us the grace to leave the ways of wickedness and to run in the paths of Christian perfection. Amen. (1x Our Father. 3x Hail Mary)

3. By the intercession of Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of Thrones, may the Lord infuse into our hearts a true and sincere spirit of humility. Amen. (1x Our Father. 3x Hail Mary)

4. By the intercession of Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of Dominions, may the Lord give us grace to govern our senses and subdue our unruly passions. Amen. (1x Our Father. 3x Hail Mary)

5. By the intercession of Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of Powers, may the Lord protect our souls against the snares and temptations of the devil. Amen. (1x Our Father. 3x Hail Mary)

6. By the intercession of Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of Virtues, may the Lord preserve us from evil and suffer us not to fall into temptation. Amen. (1x Our Father. 3x Hail Mary)

7. By the intercession of Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of Principalities, may the Lord fill our souls with a true spirit of obedience. Amen. (1x Our Father. 3x Hail Mary)

8. By the intercession of Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of Archangels, may the Lord give us perseverance in Faith and all good works, in order that we gain the glory of paradise. Amen. (1x Our Father. 3x Hail Mary)

9. By the intercession of Saint Michael and the Celestial Choir of Angels, may the Lord grant us to be protected by them in this mortal life and conducted hereafter to eternal glory. Amen." (1x Our Father. 3x Hail Mary)


Prayer to the Guardian Angel when unable to assist at Daily Mass

“Go, my Angel Guardian dear, To church for me, the Mass to hear. Go, kneel devoutly at my place And treasure for me every grace. At the Offertory time Please offer me to God Divine. All I have and all I am, Present it with the Precious Lamb. Kneel for me in adoration before this great and holy oblation. Pray for all I hold most dear Be they far or be they near. Remember too, my own dear dead From whom Christ’s Precious Blood was shed. And at Communion bring to me Christ’s Flesh and Blood, my food to be. To give me strength and holy grace A pledge to see Him face to face And when the Holy Mass is done Then with His blessing, come back home.

Prayer for Protection through the Holy Angels

(Divine Office, Prayer of the Compline on solemnities)

Lord, we beg You to visit this house and banish from it all the deadly power of the enemy. May Your holy Angels dwell here to keep us in peace, and may Your blessing be upon us always. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.

House blessing

(Ritual of Blessing)

Hear us, holy Lord and Father, almighty everlasting God, and in Your goodness send Your holy Angel from heaven to watch over and protect all who live in this home, to be with them and give them comfort and encouragement; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Invocations to the Holy Guardian Angel

(Translated from Missal Romano Quotidiano Edices Paulinas, S. Paulo, 1959)

Holy Angel, my counselor, inspire me;

Holy Angel, my defender, protect me;

Holy Angel, my faithful friend, intercede for me;

Holy Angel, my consoler, fortify me;

Holy Angel, my brother, defend me;

Holy Angel, my teacher, instruct me;

Holy Angel, witness of all my actions, purify me;

Holy Angel, my helper, support me;

Holy Angel, my intercessor, speak for me;

Holy Angel, my guide, direct me;

Holy Angel, my light, enlighten me;

Holy Angel, whom God has assigned to lead me, govern me.


Litany of the Guardian Angels

Lord, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.


Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us.


God the Father of Heaven. Have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world.

God the Holy Spirit.

Have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, One God.

Have mercy on us.


Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven. Pray for us.

Holy angel, my guardian.

Holy angel, my protector in all dangers.

Holy angel, my defense in all afflictions.

Holy angel, my most faithful lover.

Holy angel, my preceptor.

Holy angel, my guide.

Holy angel, witness of all my actions.

Holy angel, my helper in all my difficulties.

Holy angel, my negotiator with God.

Holy angel, my advocate.

Holy angel, lover of chastity.

Holy angel, lover of innocence.

Holy angel, most obedient to God.

Holy angel, director of my soul.

Holy angel, model of purity.

Holy angel, model of docility.

Holy angel, my counselor in doubt.

Holy angel, my guardian through life.

Holy angel, my shield at the hour of death.


Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.


V. Pray for us, O holy Guardian Angel,

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God, Who in the counsel of Your ineffable goodness have appointed for each one of us a special Angel Guardian to watch over us, body and soul, grant that we may so love and honor him whom You have so mercifully given us, that protected by the bounty of Your grace and by his assistance, we may merit to behold, with him and all the angelic hosts, the glory of Your Countenance in the heavenly kingdom. You, Who live and reign world without end. Amen.


“My Companion”

Holy Guardian Angel, you have been given to me by God as my companion for my whole life. Fulfill your duty towards me, which God’s love has committed to you, so that I may be saved for eternity. Rouse me from my indifference and draw me out of my weakness. Block every wrong way or thought before me! Open my eyes for God and for the Cross, but close my ears against the whisperings of the evil foe. Watch over me when I sleep and strengthen me during the day for my duties and for every sacrifice.

Let me one day be your joy and your reward in heaven. Amen. (OA)


Novena Prayer

(A novena is made by praying this prayer for nine days in succession)

O Holy Angel, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors, I return you profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech you, O most amiable protector, to continue your charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies.

Keep me away from all occasions of sin. Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to your holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice. In particular, I implore you to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena. (Here mention your petition).

Protect me in all temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until you have conducted me into the presence of my Creator in the mansions of everlasting happiness. Amen.


Supplication to the Holy Angels

Almighty, Eternal TRIUNE GOD, before we implore Your servants, the holy angels, and call upon them for help, we fall on our knees and adore You, FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT. Be honored and praised for all eternity, and may all angels and men, whom You created, adore, love and serve You, 0 Holy, Mighty and Immortal GOD!

You also, MARY, Queen of the Angels, graciously accept the supplications we address to Your servants. We beg You, Mediatrix of all Graces and all-powerful Intercessor, bring these our petitions to the throne of the Most High that we may find grace, salvation and help! Amen.

You great, holy angels, you have been given to us by GOD for our protection and help!

We implore you in the name of the TRIUNE GOD, Hasten to help us!

We implore you in the name of the Precious Blood of Our Lord JESUS CHRIST,Hasten to help us!

We implore you in the all-powerful Name of JESUS, Hasten to help us!

We implore you by all the wounds of Our Lord JESUS CHRIST, Hasten to help us!

We implore you by all the sufferings of Our Lord JESUS CHRIST, Hasten to help us!

We implore you by the holy word of GOD, Hasten to help us!

We implore you by the HEART of Our Lord JESUS CHRIST, Hasten to help us!

We implore you in the name of god's love for us, the poor, Hasten to help us!

We implore you in the name of god's faithfulness to us, the poor, Hasten to help us!

We implore you in the name of god's mercy toward us, the poor, Hasten to help us!

We implore you in the name of MARY, the Mother of GOD and our Mother, Hasten to help us!

We implore you in the name of MARY, Queen of Heaven and earth, Hasten to help us!

We implore you in the name of MARY, your Queen and Lady, Hasten to help us!

We implore you by your own beatitude, Hasten to help us!

We implore you by your own fidelity, Hasten to help us!

We implore you by your warfare for the Kfngdom of GOD, Hasten to help us!

We implore you, cover us with your shield!

We implore you, protect us with your sword!

We implore you, illumine us with your light!

We implore you, save us under the protective mantle of MARY!

We implore you, hide us in the heart of MARY!

We implore you, place us in the hands of MARY!

We implore you, show us the way to the gate of life, the open Heart of Our Lord!

We implore you, guide us safely to the Heavenly Father's House!

All you nine choirs of blessed spirits, Hasten to help us!

You, our special companions, who have been given to us by GOD, Hasten to help us!




The Precious Blood of our Lord and King was poured out for the sake of us, the poor. Hasten, help us, we implore you.

The Heart of our Lord and King beats in love for us, the poor. Hasten, help us, we implore you.

The Immaculate Heart of MARY most pure, your Queen, beats in love for us, the poor. Hasten, help us, we implore you.



Prince of the heavenly hosts, conqueror of the infernal dragon, you received from GOD the strength and power to destroy with humility the pride of the powers of darkness. We implore you, help us to true humility of heart, to unshakable fidelity to fulfill always the Will of GOD, and to fortitude in sufferings and trials. Help us to stand before the judgment seat of GOD!



Angel of the Incarnation, faithful messenger of GOD, open our ears, to even the gentle warnings and appeals of the loving Heart of Our Lord. Stand ever before us, we implore you, that we may properly understand the Word of GOD, follow and obey it, and fulfill that which GOD expects of us. Help us to watchful readiness so that when the Lord comes, He may not find us sleeping!



arrow and medicine of Divine love, wound our hearts, we implore you, with the burning love of GOD and let this wound never heal, so that even in daily life we might always remain upon the path of love and overcome all things through love!




Protect us from ourselves, from our own cowardice and tepidity, from our self-seeking and avarice, from our envy and mistrust, from our craving for satiation, comfort and recognition.

Free us from the bonds of sin and attachment to worldly things. Take the blindfold from our eyes that we ourselves placed there so that we might not see the misery around us, but complacently look to and pity ourselves.

Set the goad of holy restlessness for GOD in our hearts, so that we never cease to seek GOD with longing, contrition and love!

Behold, the Precious BLOOD of Our Lord which was shed for our sake. Behold, the tears of your Queen, which She shed for our sake.

Behold, the Divine Image in us, which GOD so lovingly impressed upon our souls and which is now disfigured by our sins.

Help us to know and adore GOD, to love and serve Him! Help us in the battle with the powers of darkness, who insidiously stalk and oppress us! Help us, that none of us may be lost, but rather rejoicing, we may one day be united in eternal happiness! Amen.

SAINT MICHAEL, assist us with your angels, help us and pray for us!

SAINT GABRIEL, assist us with your angels, help us and pray for us!

SAINT RAPHAEL, assist us with your angels, help us and pray for us!


Thanksgiving To God For The Guardian Angel

LORD and GOD, You have given us the ineffable blessing to have always one of Your servants for our constant protection at our side. Grant us the grace that through him we may know You ever better, love You ever more ardently and ever more faithfully search out Your most holy will. Let him help us carry our cross and share in our joy when You answer our prayers and Your mercy inclines to us. Amen.


Promise to the Guardian Angel

Holy, holy, holy, Lord GOD of hosts, heaven and earth are full of Your glory.
Kneeling before Your majesty, I thank You, O GOD, that You have given me a heavenly companion to be at my side, who leads me according to Your will, directs me to Your glory and reveals to me Your love.
I promise here in Your presence to love my holy companion like a brother and to listen to him when he speaks to me through the voice of conscience. May he lead me safely to heaven!
LORD JESUS CHRIST, our Savior, take my hand and place it in the hand of my Angel and make the sign of Redemption over it, as Your blessing, for my salvation.
In the name of the FATHER and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT. Amen.


Thanksgiving To God For The Guardian Angel

LORD and GOD, You have given us the ineffable blessing to have always one of Your servants for our constant protection at our side. Grant us the grace that through him we may know You ever better, love You ever more ardently and ever more faithfully search out Your most holy will. Let him help us carry our cross and share in our joy when You answer our prayers and Your mercy inclines to us. Amen.



(Liturgy of the Hours)

With one voice the choirs of angels sing their unceasing praise of the LORD. Let us join in their worship as we proclaim:

R. Angels of the LORD, bless the LORD.

You commanded your angels to guard us in all our ways

- keep us from sin as you lead us in Your path this day. R.

FATHER, the angels stand for ever before Your face

- nourish in us a never-failing hope of coming at last into Your presence. R.

Your children will be like the angels in heaven,

- grant us chastity in both mind and body. R.

Send Michael, the prince of the heavenly host, to the aid of Your people,

- may he defend them against Satan and his angels on the day of battle. R.



The angels carry out GOD’s will. Let us pray that we too may listen carefully for His voice and hear His call, as we say:

R. With the angels we sing of Your glory.

O GOD, You made your angels messengers of Your marvelous works,

- help us to proclaim Your wonderful deeds to all men. R.

The angels unceasingly proclaim that you are holy and exalted,

- may Your people on earth join their voices to the angelic song of praise. R.

You command Your angels to watch over Your servants in all their ways,

- guide those who are traveling and bring them home safely in joy and in peace. R.

You gave the angels the mission of announcing peace to men,

- inspire counsels of peace in the hearts of leaders and peoples of all nations. R.

When You send forth the angels to gather together Your chosen people from every corner of the earth,

- do not let them pass over any of Your children, but bring them all to the unending gladness of Your kingdom. R.


Prayer For Protection Through The Holy Angels

(Divine Office)

LORD, we beg You to visit this house and banish from it all the deadly power of the enemy. May Your holy Angels dwell here to keep us in peace, and may Your blessing be upon us always. We ask this through CHRIST, Our LORD.



(Ritual of Blessing)

Hear us, holy LORD and FATHER, almighty everlasting GOD, and in Your goodness send Your holy Angel from heaven to watch over and protect all who live in this home, to be with them and give them comfort and encouragement; through CHRIST our LORD. Amen.


Invocation To The Holy Guardian Angel

(Translated from Missal Romano Quotidiano Edicões Paulinas, S. Paulo, 1959)

Holy Angel, my counselor, inspire me;

Holy Angel, my defender, protect me;

Holy Angel, my faithful friend, intercede for me;

Holy Angel, my consoler, fortify me;

Holy Angel, my brother, defend me;

Holy Angel, my teacher, instruct me;

Holy Angel, witness of all my actions, purify me;

Holy Angel, my helper, support me;

Holy Angel, my intercessor, speak for me;

Holy Angel, my guide, direct me;

Holy Angel, my light, enlighten me;

Holy Angel, whom GOD has assigned to lead me, govern me.



LORD, have mercy. LORD, have mercy.

CHRIST, have mercy. CHRIST, have mercy.

LORD, have mercy. LORD, have mercy.

CHRIST, hear us. CHRIST, graciously hear us.

GOD the FATHER of Heaven, *Have mercy on us.

GOD the SON, Redeemer of the world,*


Holy Trinity, One GOD.*

Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven, *Pray for us.

Holy angel, my guardian,*

Holy angel, my protector in all dangers,*

Holy angel, my defense in all afflictions,*

Holy angel, my most faithful lover,*

Holy angel, my preceptor,*

Holy angel, my guide,*

Holy angel, witness of all my actions,*

Holy angel, my helper in all my difficulties,*

Holy angel, my negotiator with GOD,*

Holy angel, my advocate,*

Holy angel, lover of chastity,*

Holy angel, lover of innocence,*

Holy angel most obedient to GOD,*

Holy angel, director of my soul,*

Holy angel, model of purity,*

Holy angel, model of docility,*

Holy angel, my counselor in doubt,*

Holy angel, my guardian through life,*

Holy angel, my shield at the hour of death,*

Lamb of GOD, Who take away the sins of the world, spare us, O LORD.

Lamb of GOD, Who take away the sins of the world, hear us, O LORD.

Lamb of GOD, Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

V. Pray for us, O holy Guardian Angel,

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of CHRIST.

Let us pray:

Almighty and everlasting GOD, Who in the counsel of Your ineffable goodness have appointed for each one of us a special Angel Guardian to watch over us, body and soul, grant that we may so love and honor him whom You have so mercifully given us, that protected by the bounty of Your grace and by his assistance, we may merit to behold, with him and all the angelic hosts, the glory of Your Countenance in the heavenly kingdom. You, Who live and reign world without end. Amen.


To My Guardian Angel

(L. Lovasik)

My dear Guardian Angel, you were given to me by my merciful GOD to be the faithful companion of my earthly exile. I honor and love you as my most devoted friend to whom GOD has entrusted the care of my immortal soul. With all my heart I thank you for your love and constant care of me.

Dearest angel-friend, I beg you to guard and protect me. Conduct me on the way of life. Warn me against every occasion of sin, and fill my soul with wholesome thoughts and loving encouragement to practice virtue. Intercede for me that I may share in your burning zeal in GOD’s service and devoted love for His divine will.

Help me to reach my eternal home in heaven, there to praise the mercy of GOD towards me in union with you and all the other angels and saints forever. Amen.


Dear Angel

Dear Angel, in his goodness GOD gave you to me to guide, protect, and enlighten me, and to bring me back to the right way when I go astray. Encourage me when I am disheartened, and instruct me when I err in my judgment. Help me to become more Christ-like, and so some day to be accepted into the company of Angels and Saints in heaven. Amen.


Prayer To All Guardian Angels

O pure and happy spirits whom the Almighty selected to become the Angels and Guardians of men, I most humbly thank you for the charity and zeal with which you execute this commission. Alas, how many pass a long life without ever thanking their invisible friends, to whom they owe a thousand times their preservation!

O charitable Guardians of those souls for whom CHRIST died,O flaming spirits who cannot avoid loving those whom JESUS eternally loves, permit me to address you on behalf of all those committed to your care, to implore for each of them a grateful sense of your many favors and also the grace to profit by your charitable assistance.

O Angels of those happy infants who as yet are "without spot before GOD," I earnestly beseech you to preserve their innocence.

O Angels of youth, conduct them, exposed to so many dangers, safely to the bosom of GOD, as Tobias was conducted back to his father.

O Angels of those who employ themselves in the instruction of youth, animate them with your zeal and love, teach them to emulate your purity and continual view of GOD, that they may worthily and successfully co-operate with the invisible Guardians of their young charges.

O Angels of the clergy, of those "who have the eternal Gospel to preach to them that sit upon the earth," present their words, their actions and their intentions to GOD and purify them in that fire of love which consumes you.

O Angels of the missionaries who have left their native land and all who were dear to them in order to preach the Gospel in foreign fields, protect them from the dangers which threaten them, console in their hours of discouragement and solitude, and lead them to those souls who are in danger of dying without Baptism.

O Angels of the unfaithful and pagans, whom the True Faith has never enlightened, intercede for them, that they may open their hearts to the rays of grace, respond to the message delivered by GOD'S missioners and acknowledge and adore the one true GOD.

O Angels of all who travel by air, land or water, be their guides and companions, protect them from all dangers of collision, fire, and explosion and lead them safely to their destination.

O Guardian Angels of sinners, charitable guides of those unhappy mortals whose perseverance in sin would embitter even your unutterable joys, were you not established in the peace of GOD! Oh join me, I ardently beseech you, in imploring their conversion!

And you, O Guardian Angels of the sick, I entreat you especially to help, console and implore the spirits of joy for all those who are deprived of health, which is among GOD's most precious gifts to man. Intercede for them, that they may not succumb to despondency or lose by impatience the merits they can gain in carrying with resignation and joy the cross which CHRIST has laid upon them as a special token of His love.

O Angels of those are at this moment in the agonies of death, strengthen, encourage and defend them against the attacks of their infernal enemy.

O faithful Guides, holy spirits, adorers of the Divinity, Guardian Angels of all creatures, protect us all; teach us to love, to pray, to wage combat on earth, so that one day we may reach Heaven and there be happy for all eternity! Amen.

O Angels of those who are lingering in Purgatory, intercede for them that GOD may permit thee to bring them some balm; console them that they may know that we are praying for them and that we ask thee to join in our entreaties.


Guardian Angel Prayer In The Morning

(Opus Angelorum)

My great and dear holy Angel, in the morning already I wish to greet you full of love! You will accompany me; you will pray with me. You will help me to long for GOD, to recognize everywhere that which is good, and to have only good thoughts and consequently fitting words. Thus, the day will be special, because you are with me, my good Angel! Amen.


“Holy Guardian Angel”

(Opus Angelorum)

Holy Guardian Angel, you have been given to me by GOD as my companion for my whole life. Fulfill your duty towards me, which GOD’S love has committed to you, so that I may be saved for eternity. Rouse me from my indifference and draw me out of my weakness. Block every wrong way or thought before me! Open my eyes for GOD and for the Cross, but close my ears against the whisperings of the evil foe. Watch over me when I sleep and strengthen me during the day for my duties and for every sacrifice. Let me one day be your joy and your reward in heaven. Amen.


Novena Prayer

(A novena is made by praying this prayer for nine days in succession)

O Holy Angel, whom GOD, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors, I return you profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech you, O most amiable protector, to continue your charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies.

Keep me away from all occasions of sin. Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to your holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice. In particular, I implore you to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena. (Here mention your petition).

Protect me in all temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until you have conducted me into the presence of my Creator in the mansions of everlasting happiness. Amen.



(Ritual of Blessing)

Hear us, holy LORD and FATHER, almighty everlasting GOD, and in Your goodness send Your holy Angel from heaven to watch over and protect all who live in this home, to be with them and give them comfort and encouragement; through CHRIST our LORD. Amen.


A Mother`s Prayer To The Angels Of Her Children

I humbly salute you, O you faithful, heavenly Friends of my children! I give you heartfelt thanks for all the love and goodness you show them. At some future day I shall, with thanks more worthy than I can now give, repay your care for them, and before the whole heavenly court acknowledge their indebtedness to your guidance and protection. Continue to watch over them. Provide for all their needs of body and soul. Pray, likewise, for me, for my husband, and my whole family, that we may all one day rejoice in your blessed company. Amen.


Prayer To Our Holy Guardian Angels

Heavenly FATHER, Your infinite love for us has chosen a blessed angel in heaven and appointed him our guide during this earthly pilgrimage. Accept our thanks for so great a blessing. Grant that we may experience the assistance of our holy protector in all our necessities. And you, holy, loving angel and guide, watch over us with all the tenderness of your angelic heart.

Keep us always on the way that leads to heaven, and cease not to pray for us until we have attained our final destiny, eternal salvation. Then we shall love you for all eternity. We shall praise and glorify you unceasingly for all the good you have done for us while here on earth. Especially be a faithful and watchful protector of our children. Take our place, and supply what may be wanting to us through human frailty, short-sightedness, or sinful neglect.

Lighten, O you perfect servants of GOD, our heavy task. Guide our children, that they may become like unto JESUS, may imitate Him faithfully, and persevere till they attain eternal life. Amen.



If you want to commit yourself more to the Holy Guardian Angel and begin a closer friendship with him, make this promise to him:

Angel of GOD, my Guardian dear, to whom GOD'S love commits me here, ever this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. I promise you, My Angel friend, Obey I will, please take my hand. And with your help in daily strife I reach the goal: eternal life. Amen.


“Holy Guardian Angel”

(Opus Angelorum)

Holy Guardian Angel, you have been given to me by GOD as my companion for my whole life. Fulfill your duty towards me, which GOD’S love has committed to you, so that I may be saved for eternity. Rouse me from my indifference and draw me out of my weakness. Block every wrong way or thought before me! Open my eyes for GOD and for the Cross, but close my ears against the whisperings of the evil foe. Watch over me when I sleep and strengthen me during the day for my duties and for every sacrifice. Let me one day be your joy and your reward in heaven. Amen.


I do everything together with my Guardian Angel

(For Children)

When my assignment is difficult, I will say: “Guardian Angel, help me in my assignment!”

When I did something wrong, I will say: “My Angel, I’m sorry, I didn’t listen to you!”

When I’m angry, I will say: “Guardian Angel, cool me down.”

When I’m alone in the night, I will say: “Guardian Angel, you are with me.”

When I’m sad, I will say: “Guardian Angel, cheer me up, comfort me!”

When I’m tired and want to sleep, I will say: “Guardian Angel, watch over my dreams when I sleep”.



(6am, 12nn, 6pm)

The Angel of the LORD declared unto MARY.

And she conceived by the HOLY SPIRIT.

Hail, MARY, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, JESUS.

Holy MARY, Mother of GOD, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Behold the handmaid of the LORD.

Be it done unto me according to your word. Hail MARY...

And the Word was made flesh.

And dwelt among us. Hail MARY...

Pray for us, O holy Mother of GOD.

That we may be made worthy of the promises of CHRIST.

Let us pray:

Pour forth, we beseech You, O LORD, Your grace into our hearts; that we, to whom the Incarnation of CHRIST, your SON, was made known by the message of an Angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection. Through CHRIST, our LORD. Amen.


Now I lay me down to sleep

Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray, you, Lord my soul to keep.

My Angel, watch me through the night,

and wake me with the morning light.

Dear Guardian Angel, take care of me while I sleep and deliver me from all danger. Amen.

Hail MARY…


Fatima prayer

O my JESUS, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those who have the most need of Your mercy.


Prayer of the Angel in Fatima

"My GOD, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You! I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You!"



Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dóminus DEUS Sábaoth. Pleni sunt cæli et terra glória tua. Hosanna in excelsis. Benedictus qui venit in nómine DÓMINI. Hosanna in excelsis.



Holy, Holy, Holy Lord GOD of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD. Hosanna in the highest.


Prayer to Saint Michael

O glorious St. Michael, watch over us during life, defend us against the assaults of the demon and assist us especially at the hour of death. Amen.


Prayer for the Pope, Bishop and Priests

Holy Angels, protect our Holy Father, Pope N.! Help him to proclaim the truth and love of JESUS in the whole world so that all be saved. Assist our Bishop N. to be a good shepherd to the flock entrusted to his care. Help all Priests to be truly holy. Bring them a great love for GOD, so that they work only for God’s greater glory and the salvation of souls.


My dear friend and caring guide

O Holy Guardian Angel, my dear friend and caring guide,

I thank you for the good things your presence has brought to my life.

Our loving GOD who is full of goodness

has put you at my side to preserve me and protect me

from all that could harm me in mind, body, heart, and soul.

I pray that I may always enjoy your love, protection, and care.

Keep me from all danger and sin, and help me love all that is good.

Counsel and console me in the course of my life

and when my life draws to a close, lead my soul through the valley of death

into the kingdom of eternal peace, so that in eternity,

we may together praise GOD and rejoice in His glory through CHRIST our LORD.



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Panalangin Ng Paninikluhod Sa Mga Banal Na Anghel

Makapangyarihan, walang hanggang Diyos na SANTATLO! Bago kami dumulog sa Iyong mga banal na Anghel na tagapaglingkod, kami ay lumuluhod sa Iyong harapan at sumasamba sa Iyo, Ama, Anak, at Espiritu Santo!

Ikaw ang parangalan at papurihan magpakailanman at lahat nawa ng mga anghel at tao na Iyong nilikha ay sambahin, mahalin at paglingkuran Ka, O Banal, Makapangyarihan at Walang hanggang Diyos!

At Ikaw din, Maria, Reyna ng lahat ng mga Anghel, tanggapin mo ng may habag ang aming pagsusumamo sa iyong mga tagapaglingkod.

Hinihiling namin sa iyo, makapangyarihang Tagadulog at Tagapamagitan ng lahat ng mga biyaya, patuloy mong patnubayan ang aming pagsamo sa Trono ng kataas-taasan upang kami ay makatagpo ng biyaya, kaligtasan at tulong. Amen.


Kayo, O mga dakilang banal na Anghel, na ipinagkaloob ng Diyos para sa aming kaligtasan at tulong, sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ng Diyos na Santatlo:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ng Kamahal-mahalang Dugo ng ating Panginoong Hesu-Kristo:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa makapangyarihang Ngalan ni Hesus:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ng lahat ng mga sugat ng ating Panginoong Hesu-Kristo:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ng mga paghihirap ng ating Panginoong Hesu-Kristo:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ng Banal na Salita ng Diyos:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ng Puso ng ating Panginoong Hesu-Kristo:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ng pag-ibig ng Diyos sa amin na maralita:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ng Katapatan ng Diyos sa amin na maralita:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ng Awa ng Diyos sa amin na maralita:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ni Maria, Ina ng Diyos at Ina namin:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ni Maria, Reyna ng langit at lupa:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ni Maria na inyong Reyna at Tagapangasiwa:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ng inyong sariling pagpapala:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ng inyong sariling katapatan:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo sa ngalan ng inyong sariling pakikipaglaban para sa kaharian ng Diyos:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!


Sumasamo kami sa inyo: Ikubli ninyo kami sa inyong sanggalang!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo: Ipagtanggol ninyo kami ng inyong espada!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo: Ilawan ninyo kami ng inyong liwanag!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo: Itago kami sa ilalim ng mapag-kandiling balabal ni Maria!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo: Ilagay kami sa mga kamay ni Maria!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo: Ipakita ninyo sa amin ang landas patungo sa pinto ng buhay: ang bukas na Puso ng aming Panginoong Hesu-Kristo!

Sumasamo kami sa inyo: Gabayan ninyo kami na marating nang ligtas ang tahanan ng Ama!

Kayong lahat, o siyam na koro na mga pinagpalang espiritu:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Kayo, aming mga natatanging kasama, na ipinagkaloob sa amin ng Diyos:

Magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!




Ang Kamahal-mahalang Dugo ng ating Panginoon at hari ay dumaloy para sa amin na maralita:

Sumasamo kami sa inyo, magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Ang Puso ng ating Panginoon at Hari ay tumitibok sa pag-ibig para sa amin na maralita:

Sumasamo kami sa inyo, magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!

Ang Kalinis-linisang Puso ni Maria, na inyong Reyna, ay tumitibok sa pag-ibig para sa amin na maralita:

Sumasamo kami sa inyo, magmadali sa pagsaklolo sa amin!



Prinsipe ng mga Hukbo ng Sangkalangitan, lumupig sa dragon ng impiyerno, nakatanggap ka ng lakas at kapangyarihan mula sa Diyos, para wasakin ang kapalaluan ng kapangyarihan ng kadiliman sa pamamagitan ng kababaang-loob. Sumasamo kami sa iyo, matulungan kami sa isang tunay at ganap na puso na mapagkumbaba, sa isang hindi natitinag na katapatan, na laging maisakatuparan ang kalooban ng Diyos, sa isang katatagan sa hirap at pagsubok. Tulungan mo kami na makatindig sa harapan ng hukuman ng Diyos.



Anghel ng Pagkakatawang Tao, tapat na Tagapagbalita ng Diyos, buksan mo ang aming mga tainga para marinig kahit ang mga banayad na tinig ng paalala at mataimtim na panawagan ng mapagmahal na Puso ng ating Panginoon. Sumasamo kami sa iyo, manatili ka nawa na laging kasama namin, upang maunawaan namin nang nararapat ang salita ng Diyos, maisagawa at masunod namin ito at maisakatuparan kung ano ang kalooban ng Diyos. Matulungan mo kami na maging handa at magmatyag sa pagdating ng Panginoon upang hindi Niya kaming madatnang natutulog.



Ikaw na pana at gamot ng pag-ibig ng Diyos, sumasamo kami sa iyo, sugatan mo ang aming mga puso sa pamamagitan ng maalab na pag-ibig ng Diyos at hayaan mo ang sugat na ito’y huwag nang gumaling upang sa aming pang-araw-araw na buhay ay lagi kaming manatili sa landas ng pag-ibig at malagpasan ang lahat sa pamamagitan ng pag-ibig.

Tulungan ninyo kami, kayong dakilang, banal naming mga kapatid, kapwa taga-paglingkod sa harapan ng Diyos!

Ipagsanggalang ninyo kami laban sa aming mga sarili, sa aming kaduwagan at kalamigan, sa aming pagkamakasarili at kasakiman, sa aming inggit at kawalang-tiwala, sa aming labis na kagustuhang magkaroon ng kasiyahan, managana at kami ang mapagtuunan ng pansin.

Palayain ninyo kami mula sa gapos ng kasalanan at pagkakahumaling sa kamunduhan.

Alisin ninyo ang piring sa aming mga mata na kami mismo ang naglagay upang hindi namin makita ang paghihirap ng iba at ang makita lamang namin ang aming pagkaawa sa sarili.

Ilagay sa aming mga puso ang udyok ng banal na pagkabalisa sa Diyos upang hindi kami tumigil na hanapin ang Diyos nang may paghahangad, pagsisisi at pag-ibig!

Masdan ninyo ang Dugo ng ating Panginoon na dumaloy alang-alang sa amin.

Masdan ninyo ang mga luha ng inyong Reyna, lumuha alang-alang sa amin.

Masdan ninyo ang larawan ng Diyos sa aming mga kaluluwa na kanyang inilapat nang may pag-ibig na ngayon ay nasira ng aming mga kasalanan!

Tulungan ninyo kaming makilala, sambahin, mahalin at paglingkuran ang Diyos!

Tulungan ninyo kami sa pakikipaglaban sa kapangyarihan ng kadiliman na palihim na umaaligid, nagpapahirap at nagwawasak sa amin.

Tulungan ninyo kami, upang wala kahit isa man sa amin ang mapahamak at isang araw sama-sama tayo na nagkakaisang nagbubunyi sa walang hanggang pagpapala. AMEN!


Sa loob ng siyam na araw na nobena, dinarasal natin ang panalanging ito sa umaga at tawagin ang mga anghel sa loob ng maghapon:


SAN MIGUEL, kasama ng iyong mga anghel, saklolohan at ipanalangin mo kami!

SAN RAFAEL, kasama ng iyong mga anghel, saklolohan at ipanalangin mo kami!

SAN GABRIEL, kasama ng iyong mga anghel, saklolohan at ipanalangin mo kami!


Anghel ng Diyos

Anghel ng Diyos, Tagatanod kong mahal, na sa pag-ibig niya ako sa iyoy ibinigay, sa araw na ito (sa gabing ito) sa piling koy huwag lumisan, akoy tanglawat ingatan, pamatnugutan at alalayan. Amen.


Panalangin sa mga Banal na Anghel na Tagatanod

Banal na Anghel, aking tagapayo, maging inspirasyon ka sa akin;

Banal na Anghel, aking tagapagtanggol, kalingain mo ako;

Banal na Anghel, tapat kong kaibigan, mamagitan ka para sa akin;

Banal na Anghel, aking tagaaliw, palakasin mo ako;

Banal na Anghel, aking kapatid, ipagtanggol mo ako;

Banal na Anghel, aking guro, turuan mo ako;

Banal na Anghel, saksi sa aking mga gawain, linisin mo ako;

Banal na Anghel, aking karamay, alalayan mo ako

Banal na Anghel, aking tagapamagitan, magsalita ka para sa akin;

Banal na Anghel, aking patnubay, pangunahan mo ako;

Banal na Anghel, aking tanglaw, paliwanagan mo ako;

Banal na Anghel, itinalaga ng Diyos upang ako ay pangunahan, pamunuan mo ako.

(Salin mula sa Missal Romano Quotidiano-Edicoes Paulinas, S. Paulo, 1959)


Litanya ng mga Anghel na Tagatanod

Panginoon, maawa Ka sa amin. Panginoon, maawa Ka sa amin.

Kristo, maawa Ka sa amin. Kristo, maawa Ka sa amin.

Panginoon, maawa Ka sa amin. Panginoon, maawa Ka sa amin.

Kristo, pakinggan Mo kami. Kristo pakinggan Mo kami.

Kristo, pakapakinggan Mo kami. Kristo, pakapakinggan Mo kami.

Diyos Ama sa langit, maawa Ka sa amin.

Diyos Anak na tumubos sa sanlibutan, maawa Ka sa amin.

Diyos Espiritu Santo, maawa Ka sa amin.

Banal na Santatlo, iisang Diyos, maawa Ka sa amin.

Santa Maria, ipanalangin mo kami.

Santang Ina ng Diyos, ipanalangin mo kami.

Reyna ng mga Anghel, ipanalangin mo kami.

San Miguel, ipanalangin mo kami.

San Gabriel, ipanalangin mo kami.

San Raphael, ipanalangin mo kami.

Lahat ng mga Banal na Anghel at mga Arkanghel, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel na Tagatanod, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel na Tagatanod na walang sawang pinagmamasdan ang Amang nasa Langit, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, na lagi namin kapiling at hindi kami iniiwan, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, na tapat sa amin sa isang makalangit na pakikipagkaibigan, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, mga tapat na tagapagpaalala, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, maalam naming tagapayo, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, na nag-iingat sa amin mula sa mga kasamaan ng katawan at kaluluwa, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, ang makapangyarihan naming tagapagtanggol laban sa pagsalakay ng mga masamang kaaway, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, mga tagapagtaguyod sa panahon ng mga tukso, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, na tumutulong sa amin sa tuwing kami ay natitisod at nadadapa, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, mga tagaaliw sa panahon ng bagabag at mga pagdurusa, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, naghahatid at nagtatanggol sa aming mga panalangin sa harap ng luklukan ng Diyos, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, sa pamamagitan ng inyong mga inspirasyon at panghihikayat, kami ay tinutulungan tungo sa pag-unlad, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, sa kabila ng aming mga pagkakamali ay hindi kami iniiwan, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, na nagagalak sa aming pag-unlad at pagsulong tungo sa kabutihan, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, nagbabantay sa amin at nananalangin maging sa aming pamamahinga, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal ng Anghel, na hindi kami iniiwan sa aming paghihingalo, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal ng Anghel, tagaaliw sa mga kaluluwa sa Purgatoryo, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, namumuno sa mga mabubuti patungo sa Langit, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Mga Banal na Anghel, na umaasang isang araw ay walang hanggan naming pagmamasdan at pupurihin ang Diyos, ipanalangin ninyo kami

Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng sanlibutan, patawarin Mo kami, O Panginoon!

Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng sanlibutan, pakapakinggan Mo kami, O Panginoon!

Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng sanlibutan, maawa Ka sa amin, O Panginoon!

Kristo, pakinggan Mo kami.

Kristo, pakapakinggan Mo kami.

Panginoon, maawa Ka sa amin.

Kristo, maawa Ka sa amin.

Panginoon, maawa Ka sa amin.

Ama namin...

Purihin ang Panginoon, lahat ng kanyang mga Anghel, kayo na masigasig na tumutupad sa Kanyang kalooban.

Susuguin Niya ang Kanyang mga Anghel sa iyong harapan, upang ingatan ka sa iyong landas.

Aking Diyos, sa harap ng mga Anghel, pupurihin kita, at sasambahin ang Iyong banal na Pangalan.

Panginoon, pakinggan Mo ang aking panalangin, at hayaang makarating sa Iyo ang aking pagsusumamo.

Manalangin tayo.

Makapangyarihan at walang hanggang Diyos, sa Iyong di maihayag na kabutihan, itinakda Mo ang isang tanging Anghel sa bawat tao, mula sa sinapupunan ng ina, bilang tagapag-ingat ng katawan at kaluluwa. Magiliw Mong ipagkaloob na ako ay makasunod sa aking banal na Anghel, na buong katapatan at buong puso siyang mahalin, na sa pamamagitan ng Iyong pagpapala at sa ilalim ng kanyang pangangalaga, marating ko isang araw ang tahanan ng Amang nasa Langit, kasama niya at ng lahat ng mga banal na Anghel, marapat na mapagmasdan ang Iyong Banal na mukha, sa pamamagitan ni Hesu-Kristo, aming Panginoon. Amen.

Panalangin sa Umaga sa Anghel na Tagatanod

Aking dakila at minamahal na banal na Anghel, Sa umaga pa lamang, nais kitang batiin na puno ng pagmamahal! Sasamahan mo ako, mananalangin ka kasama ko. Tutulungan mo akong masumpungan ang Diyos upang saanmang dako, mapansin ko ang mabuti at matulungan ako na magkaroon lamang ng mabuting pag-iisip at makasambit ng mga angkop na pananalita sa mga ito. Sa gayon, magiging katangi-tangi ang araw na ito dahil kapiling mo ako, Mabuti kong anghel. Amen!


Panalangin sa Umaga sa Anghel na Tagatanod

Makapangyarihan, Banal na Isantatlong Diyos, maawa ka sa amin!

Amang nasa langit, Ama naming lahat, maawa ka sa amin!

Panginoong Hesukristo, tumubos sa aming lahat, maawa ka sa amin!

Espiritu Santo, nagbibigay-buhay sa aming lahat, maawa ka sa amin!

Santa Maria, Ina ng Diyos, ipanalangin mo kami!

Santa Maria, Reyna ng lahat ng mga Anghel na Tagatanod, ipanalangin mo kami!

Santa Maria, tagapayo ng lahat ng mga Anghel na Tagatanod, ipanalangin mo kami!

Santa Maria, saklolo ng lahat ng mga Anghel na Tagatanod, ipanalangin mo kami!

Mga Banal na Anghel na Tagatanod, ipanalangin mo kami!

Isinugo Kayo ng Diyos para sa amin, ipanalangin mo kami!

Tangan ninyo sa inyong mga mata ang liwanag ng Diyos para sa amin, ipanalangin mo kami!

Tangan ninyo sa inyong mga puso ang pag-ibig ng Diyos para sa amin, ipanalangin mo kami!

Tangan ninyo sa inyong mga kamay ang kalinga ng Diyos para sa amin, ipanalangin mo kami!

Sa inyo'y maihahayag namin ang lahat ng aming pangangailangan, mga Banal na Anghel, tulungan ninyo kami!

Sa inyo'y ipinagkakatiwala namin ang aming mga mahal sa buhay, mga Banal na Anghel, tulungan ninyo kami!

Sa inyo'y aming ipinagkakaloob ang aming mga sarili para sa walang hanggang tipanan, mga Banal na Anghel, tulungan ninyo kami!

Kayo ang pinagkakautangan namin dahil sa inyong labis na pagtulong at pagliligtas, mga Banal na Anghel, tulungan ninyo kami!

Huwag sana kaming panghinaan sa pagpasan ng aming mga krus, mga Banal na Anghel, tulungan ninyo kami!

Sa kaguluhan ng aming isip, huwag sana kaming maligaw, mga Banal na Anghel, tulungan ninyo kami!

Kung kami may nababagabag, sa pamamagitan ninyo'y masaling namin ang Puso ng Diyos, mga Banal na Anghel, tulungan ninyo kami!

Sa pamamagitan ninyo nawa'y maihatid namin sa aming mga sarili ang habag ng Diyos, mga Banal na Anghel, tulungan ninyo kami!

Mga Anghel na Tagatanod ng aming sariling pamilya, saklolohan at ipanalangin ninyo kami!

Mga Anghel na Tagatanod sa mga pook ng aming tirahan, saklolohan at ipanalangin ninyo kami!

Mga Anghel na Tagatanod ng mga daang aming tinatahak, saklolohan at ipanalangin ninyo kami!




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Pag-ampo Alang sa Panalipod Pinaagi sa Balaang Anghel

Ginoo, nagahangyo kami kanimo sa pagduaw niining balaya ug wagtanga gikan niini ang tanang mga malala nga hilo sa kaaway. Itugot nga ang imong balaang mga anghel magpuyo dinhi aron magpabilin kami sa kalinaw ug ang imong panalangin ma-ania kanamo kanunay. Pinaagi ni Cristo among Ginoo. Amen.


Panalangin sa Panimalay

Pamati-a kami, Amahan nga Makagagahum ug tunhay Dios, ug sa imong kaayo ipadala ang imong balaang anghel sa langit aron sa pagbantay ug pagpanalipod sa tanan nga nagpuyo niining balaya, mag-uban kanila ug mohatag kanilag kahupayan ug kadasig; pinaagi ni Cristo among Ginoo. Amen.


Mga Pagsangpit Ngadto sa Anghel Nga Magbalantay

Balaang Anghel, akong magtatambag, dasiga ako;

Balaang Anghel, akong manlalaban, panalipdi ako;

Balaang Anghel, akong maunongon nga higala, pangamuyo alang kanako;

Balaang Anghel, akong maghuhupay, lig-óna ako;

Balaang Anghel, akong igsoon, labani ako;

Balaang Anghel, akong magtutudlo, tudloi ako;

Balaang Anghel, saksi sa tanan kong mga buhat, putlia ako;

Balaang Anghel, akong magtatabang, agaka ako;

Balaang Anghel, akong mag-alampo, pamulong alang kanako;

Balaang Anghel, akong giya, tultoli ako;

Balaang Anghel, akong kahayag, lamdagi ako;

Balaang Anghel, nga gisaligan sa Dios sa pag-giya kanako, mandoi ako.


Litaniya sa mga Anghel Nga Magbalantay

Ginoo, kaloy-i kami. Ginoo, kaloy-i kami.

Cristo, kaloy-i kami. Cristo, kaloy-i kami.

Ginoo, kaloy-i kami. Ginoo, kaloy-i kami.

Cristo, pamati-a kami. Cristo, patalinghugi kami.

Dios Amahan sa Langit, kaloy-i kami. (†)

Dios Anak, Manunubos sa kalibutan, †

Dios Espiritu Santo, †

Santa Trinidad, usa ka Dios, †

Santa Maria, I-ampo mo kami.(*)

Santa nga Inahan sa Dios, *

Rayna sa mga Anghel, *

San Miguel, *

San Gabriel, *

San Rafael, *

Tanang Balaang mga Anghel ug mga Arkanghel, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga sa kanunay, anaa sa trono sa langitnong Amahan, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga dili mobiya kanamo, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga mipahinungod kanamo sa langitnong panaghigalaay, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, among mga maunongong tigpasidaan, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, among maalamong mga magtatambag,*

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga mag-aamping kanamo gikan sa daghang kadautan sa lawas ug kalag, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, among gamhanang tigpanalipod batok sa pag-asdang sa dautang kaaway, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, among mag-aabag sa panahon sa pagsulay, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga magtatabang sa among pagkasukamod ug pagkahagbâ, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga mohupay kanamo sa mga kasamok ug mga pag-antos, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga tigdawat sa among mga pag-ampo ug tigdala niini atubangan sa trono sa Dios, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga pinaagi sa inyong mga pagdasig ug pag-awhag, matabangan kami sa paglambo sa diha sa pagkamaayo, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga bisan sa among mga kalapasan, dili mobiya kanamo, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga magmalipayon sa among kalamboan ug kauswagan sa kahingpitan, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga nagsud-ong ug nag-ampo alang kanamo bisan sa among pagpahulay, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga dili gayud mobiya kanamo bisan sa kamatayon, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga mohupay sa mga kalag sa purgaturyo, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga modala sa mga matarong ngadto sa langit, *

Balaang mga Anghel nga Magbalantay, nga uban kanamo sa pagdayeg ug pagsud-ong sa Dios sa kahangturan, *

Halangdon nga mga Prinsipe sa Langit, *

Kordero sa Dios nga nagawagtang sa mga sala sa kalibutan, pasayloa kami, Ginoo!

Kordero sa Dios nga nagawagtang sa mga sala sa kalibutan, patalinghugi kami, Ginoo!

Kordero sa Dios nga nagawagtang sa mga sala sa kalibutan, Kaloy-i kami, Ginoo.

Cristo, pamatia kami. Cristo patalinghugi kami.

Ginoo, kaloy-i kami. Ginoo, kaloy-i kami.

Amahan Namo ……

Dayga ang Ginoo, kamong tanan niyang mga Anghel,

kamong mga kagahuman nga nagtumant sa iyang kabubut-on.

Gipadala niya ang iyang mga anghel una kaninyo,

aron sa pagbantay kaninyo sa tanan ninyong mga agianan.

Dios ko, sa atubangan sa mga anghel daygon ko ikaw.

Gusto ko ikaw nga simbahon ug daygon ang imong Balaang Ngalan.

Ginoo, pamatia ang akong pag-ampo.

Ug padangata ang akong pagtuaw nganha kanimo.

Mag-ampo kita:

Makagagahum ug walay katapusang Dios, sa imong dili matukib nga kaayo mipiyal ikaw og anghel ngadto sa tanang tawo, gikan sa sabakan ug sa kahangturan, isip tigpanalipod sa lawas ug kalag. Itugot nga maloloy-on nga mosunod ako sa akong Balaan nga Anghel diha sa pagkamaunungon ug mahigugma kaniya sa bug-os, aron pinaagi sa imong grasya ug ubos sa iyang panalipod, usa niana ka adlaw, makaabot ako sa imong langitnong pinuy-anan ug makaambit sa pagsud-ong sa imong balaang panagway, uban kaniya ug sa tanang balaang mga anghel. Pinaagi ni Cristo among Ginoo. Amen.


Pag-ampo sa Anghel Nga Magbalantay sa Kabuntagon

Akong halangdon ug minahal nga Anghel nga Magbalantay, sa kabuntagon nagtinguha na ako sa pagtimbaya kanimo nga puno sa gugma! Imo akong ubanan; imo akong i-ampo. Tabangan mo ako sa pagpangandoy sa Dios, sa pag-ila kon unsa ang maayo, ug nga makaangkon lamang sa maayong mga huna-huna ug matarong nga mga pulong. Sa ingon, kining adlawa mahimong balaan tungod kay ania ikaw uban kanako, akong maayong anghel. Amen. (OA)


“Akong Kauban”

Balaang Anghel nga Magbalantay, gihatag ka sa Dios kanako isip akong kauban sa tibuok kong kinabuhi. Tumana ang imong katungdanan nganhi kanako, nga gipahinungod kanimo sa gugma sa Dios, aron ako maluwas sa kahangturan. Himoa nga mahigmata ako gikan sa akong pagpasagad ug ipahilayo ako sa akong kahuyangan. Babagi ang matag sayop kong pamaagi ug panghuna-huna! Ablihi ang akong mga mata alang sa Ginoo ug alang sa krus, apan itak-op ang akong mga dalunggan batok sa mga hunghong sa yawan-ong kaaway. Bantayi ako samtang ako matulog ug lig-ona ako panahon sa adlaw alang sa akong mga katungdanan ug sakripisyo. Himoa akong imong kalipay ug ganti, usa niana ka adlaw, sa langit. Amen. (OA)


Pag-ampo sa Nobena

O Balaang Anghel, nga kang kinsa ang Ginoo, pinaagi sa epekto sa iyang ka-maayo ug sa iyang malumong pagpakabana alang sa akong kaluwasan, misugo sa pag-atiman sa akong gawi ug kinsa motabag kanako sa tanan kong gusto ug mohupay kanako sa tanan kong mga kaguol, kinsa mi-abag kanako sa panahon sa akong kaluya ug sa kanunay magbaton alang kanako og bag-ong mga hinabang, ibalik ko kanimo ang kinasingkasing nga pasalamat, ug ako, sa dakong tinguha nangaliyupo kanimo, O hiligugmaon nga tigpanalipod, sa pagpadayon sa imong mahigugmaong pag-amuma ug pagpanalipod kanako batok sa maidlas nga mga pag-asdang sa tanan kong mga kaaway.

Ipahilayo ako sa tanang mga higayon sa pagpakasala. Itugot kanako ang grasya sa pagpamati pag-ayo sa imong balaang lamdag ug maunongong mopakita niini sa buhat. Ilabi na, akong pangayoon kanimo nga ihatag mo kanako ang hinabang nga akong gipangayo niining nobena. (ibungat ang mga pangaliya). Panalipdi ako sa tanang mga tentasyon ug pagsulay niining kinabuhi, ilabi na sa takna sa akong kamatayon, ug ayaw ako biyai hangtud nga mahatud mo ako ngadto sa atubangan sa akong Magbubuhat sa dapit sa walay katapusang kalipay. Amen.


Pag-ampo sa Inahan Ngadto sa mga Anghel sa Iyang Mga Anak

Mapaubsanon akong mitimbaya kaninyo, O mga maunongon ug langitnong mga higala sa akong mga anak! Gipasalamatan ko kamo sa kinasingkasing sa tanang pagmahal ug kaayo nga inyong gipakita kanila. Sa umaabot nga mga adlaw ako, uban sa pasalamat nga mas labaw pa kay sa akong mahatag karon, makabayad sa inyong pag-amoma kanila, ug atubangan sa kinatibuk-ang hukmanan sa langit moila sa ilang pagka-utangan sa inyong pag-giya ug panalipod. Padayon sa pagbantay kanila. Ihatag kanila ang tanan nilang mga gikinahanglan sa lawas ug kalag. Pag-ampo usab alang kanako, alang sa akong bana, ug sa akong tibuok nga pamilya nga usa niana ka adlaw mahiusa kami sa inyong bulahan nga panon. Amen.


Pag-ampo Ngadto sa mga Arkanghel Alang sa Luwas nga Pagbiyahe

San Gabriel uban ni Maria,

San Rafael uban ni Tobias,

San Miguel uban sa tanang kagahuman sa langit,

mamahimo kamong among taming ug panalipod niining maong pag-biyahe!


Saad Ngadto sa Akong Anghel Nga Magbalantay

Kon buot nimo dugangan pa ang imong pagtugyan sa kaugalingon ngadto sa Balaang Anghel nga Magbalantay ug sugdan ang mas haduol na pakighigala uban niya, himoa kining panaad ngadto kaniya:,

Anghel sa Dios, akong minahal nga Magbalantay, nga kinsa sa gahum sa Dios, mipahinungod kanako dinhi, bisan niining adlawa pabilin sa akong kiliran aron sa paglamdag ug pagbantay, pagmando ug pagtultol. Amen.

Mosunod ako kanimo, misaad ako, akong anghel nga higala, palihug guniti ang akong kamot ug pinaagi sa imong panabang sa inadlaw nga pagpakigbisog makab-ot ko ang akong tumong: ang kinabuhing dayon. Amen.


Pag-ampo Ngadto Kang San Miguel

San Miguel Arkanghel Panalipdi kami sa pang-gubatan Panalipdi kami batok sa panlimbong ug paghaylo sa yawa. Mapaubsanon kaming nangaliyupo kanimo, O Prinsipe sa langitnong kagahuman Nga pinaagi sa gahum sa Dios, imong italbog sa impyerno si Satanas uban sa iyang dautang mga espiritu nga nagalibot-libot sa kalibutan aron sa pagpukan sa among mga kalag. Amen.